375 Results for:

August 13, 2011

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2012: Hello Rick Perry, GOP Presidential Candidate

Texas Governor Rick Perry delivers remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington on February 11, 2011. (Jonathan Ernst/courtesy Reuters)  For seventeen of the past forty-eigh…

Texas Governor Rick Perry delivers remarks at the Conservative Political Action conference (CPAC) in Washington, February 11, 2011. (Jonathan Ernst/courtesy Reuters)

December 18, 2007

United States
Yes, Virginia, the world’s central banks are financing most of the US current account deficit (my rebuttal to Richard Iley)

Back in the summer of 2004, Nouriel Roubini and I published a paper arguing that large trade deficits implied a deteriorating US net international investment position and a deteriorating “income” bal…


April 13, 2015

Politics and Government
Campaign 2016: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Democratic Presidential Candidate

Pakistan has had one. So have Great Britain, Indonesia, Poland, Ukraine, and four dozen other countries. Argentina, Brazil, and Germany have one right now. But the United States has never had a woman…


April 14, 2015

Politics and Government
Campaign 2016: Senator Marco Rubio, GOP Presidential Candidate

Long shots sometimes pay off. Just ask Senator Marco Rubio. He won his first race for political office at age 26 by beating an incumbent county commissioner. A year later he won a seat in Florida’s s…
