54 Results for:

August 26, 2013

International Organizations
Jackson Hole: Future Worries

This year’s Jackson Hole Federal Reserve conference was a decidedly low-key affair given Ben Bernanke’s absence (and Janet Yellen’s successful effort to not make news). Nonetheless, there look to hav…

September 16, 2008

Financial Markets
It looks like the United States’ no bailout policy lasted all of two days

AIG’s bondholders got a huge break. That is an observation, not a criticism. The credit markets were not reacting well to Lehman’s bankruptcy filing. $85 billion is a lot of money. The terms…

April 29, 2013

Fiscal Revisionism

How does the attack on the two academic’s work change the landscape for macro policy, if at all? The recent challenge to a key finding of Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff’s This Time Is Different (R&R…


October 14, 2016

Who Supported the Shameful UNESCO Vote on Jerusalem?

There is little to be added to the scorn rightfully shown in the United States and in Israel (which has cut all ties to UNESCO) toward the UNESCO vote this week that in essence wipes out Jewish and C…

August 28, 2020

Wars and Conflict
Five Anti-War Movies Worth Watching

Each Friday this summer, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: films that highlight the costs of war.

Movie posters clockwise from the top left: Hotel Rwanda/Amazon; Born on the Fourth of July/TV Guide; Gallipoli/IMDB; Paths of Glory/Amazon; Full Metal Jacket/TV Guide; All Quiet on the Western Front/IMDB