314 Results for:

August 20, 2007

Financial Markets
Reverse engineering financial engineering

The process that turned subprime mortgages into triple AAA rated securities is, by now, pretty well known.   Rich Bookstaber (his blog is here) describes the process nicely.Here's the recipe for a CD…

May 3, 2013

United States
Syrian Lethal Aid, Drones Over Yemen, and Isolationism

Nussaibah Younis, “Why Maliki Must Go,” New York Times, May 2, 2013. Given the two-year-old Syrian civil war escalating next door, a sectarian crisis and political collapse in Iraq would be a disast…


December 11, 2004

United States
The Global Test

My harping on the fact that US economic policy now has to pass a global test is not simply meant to score rhetorical points. I suspect that the same folks who financed the expansion of the US curren…

November 12, 2010

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Friday File: Obama in Asia

Above the Fold: The big news of the week has been President Obama’s Asia trip.  The coverage at home has generally been positive.  Walter Russell Mead reviews the India leg of the trip and applauds…

Friday File: Obama in Asia

March 29, 2006

Exit Schumer and Graham, Enter Grassley and Baucus

Schumer-Graham won't be brought to a vote until September.   China's central bank governor Zhou must  be persuasive.  Maybe he plotted out where the RMB will likely be if China continues with its cur…