20 Results for:

March 16, 2011

Emperor Urges Japanese to Hope as Acute Needs Grow

People watch a television broadcasting Japan's Emperor Akihito's televised address to the nation at an electronics retail store in Tokyo. (Issei Kato/Courtesy Reuters) [Click here for information …

People watch a television broadcasting Japan’s Emperor Akihito’s televised address to the nation at an electronics retail store in Tokyo.

May 24, 2016

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Dropping the Cyber Bomb? Spectacular Claims and Unremarkable Effects

Brandon Valeriano is a reader at Cardiff University and a fellow at the Niskanen Center, Heather Roff is a research scientist at the Global Security Initiative at Arizona State University, and Sean L…

Cyber CFR Net Politics

April 4, 2013

Big Data: An Interview with Kenneth Cukier and Viktor Mayer-Schonberger

Kenneth Cukier and Viktor Mayer-Schonberger, authors of the new book Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, published last month, answered several questions on big d…

Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think (Courtesy Eamon Dolan/Houghton Mifflin)

January 17, 2014

Defense and Security
You Might Have Missed: NSA Reforms, CIA Drone Strikes, and Benghazi

“Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-28: Signals Intelligence Activities,” White House, January 17, 2014. When the United States collects nonpublicly available signals intelligence in bulk, it shall u…

Obama NSA speech

April 11, 2011

Politics and Government
Campaign 2012: Hello Mitt Romney, GOP Presidential Candidate

Mitt Romney shakes hands after speaking to an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference meeting in Washington on February 11, 2011. (Larry Downing/courtesy Reuters) The United States …

Campaign 2012: Hello Mitt Romney, GOP Presidential Candidate