2,660 Results for:

December 13, 2007

South Korea
Kang: North Korean Trade Potential

David C. Kang, an expert on Asian business, examines what economic development in North Korea could potentially mean for the region.

June 10, 2014

The Different Taliban Worlds

CFR’s Daniel Markey sheds light on the two Taliban branches—the Afghan-based group that negotiated the release of a U.S. prisoner of war, and the Pakistani Taliban, which attacked the Karachi airport…

October 8, 2013

What Shanghai’s Free Trade Zone Bodes For China

Shanghai’s new free trade zone promises to be a testing ground for China’s economic reform, but its innovations should be assessed over time, explains expert Daniel Rosen.

March 22, 2011

United States
Disaster Relief in a Dangerous World

The U.S. Navy’s maritime strategy, in which humanitarian missions play a prominent role, is based on a debatable assumption that credible enemies have largely disappeared and that competition of the …

August 28, 2014

NATO’s Brave New World

With crises brewing in Ukraine and the Middle East, the transatlantic alliance must develop new capabilities to address the rising threat of unconventional warfare, says CFR’s Janine Davidson.