42 Results for:

August 3, 2006

Rule of Law
Somalia’s High Stakes Power Struggle

A group of Islamist courts have seized power across much of Somalia. Many outside observers are anxiously watching—and interfering—as the power struggle plays out between the Islamists and the offici…

June 28, 2007

Russia’s Soviet Past Still Haunts Relations with West

President Vladimir Putin continues to downplay atrocities by Stalin. Some see Russia’s refusal to come to grips with its Soviet past haunting relations with the West.

December 16, 2013

The Thawing Arctic: Risks and Opportunities

Nations are reexamining their interests and capabilities in the Arctic, as climate change in the region presents new economic opportunities and security challenges.

January 16, 2007

United States
The 110th Congress—Democrats and Energy Security

Democratic congressional leaders say improving energy security is a priority. But while there is broad interest in lessening U.S. dependence on foreign oil and in promoting renewable fuels, comprehen…

April 5, 2006

Sino-Russian Energy Ties

Russia’s vast supply of energy and China’s insatiable demand are making the two countries natural partners. Their shared goal of checking U.S. regional influence has also drawn their foreign policies…