306 Results for:

February 11, 2011

United States
Outsourcing Jobs and Taxes

Outsourcing remains a contentious political issue as lawmakers, analysts, and business leaders debate its effect on U.S. job creation and the role of corporate tax policy in shipping jobs overseas, e…

February 4, 2005

Europe and Eurasia
EUROPE: European Defense Policy

This publication is now archived. What is at stake in the debate about a European defense force?The European Union (E.U.) is planning to create a mobile military force designed to be deployed quickly…

February 2, 2005

IRAQ: The Prison System

This publication is now archived. Who runs the prison system in Iraq?The coalition authorities. According to an official memorandum issued June 8, 2003, by L. Paul Bremer III, the U.S. administrator …

May 6, 2011

Fossil Fuels
Oil Market Volatility

Though shifts in demand and reduced production by some major producers have influenced oil prices, investor behavior is also increasing market volatility.

June 10, 2015

Fossil Fuels
Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking)

Hydraulic fracturing has unlocked huge reserves of shale gas and oil, transforming the energy outlook in the United States and the world, even as local opposition and falling world prices threaten th…

Shale gas fracking facility