178 Results for:

September 10, 2004

International Organizations
International Economic and Financial Cooperation

The machinery of international economic and financial cooperation is rapidly becoming obsolete. Written by a group that combines extensive practical experience and analytical sharpness, the sixth tit…

March 1, 2004

In Defense of Globalization

An internationally renowned economist, Jagdish Bhagwati takes conventional wisdom—that globalization is the cause of several social ills—and turns it on its head. Properly regulated, globalization, h…

April 17, 2005

Globalization: What’s New?

From the streets of Seattle to corporate boardrooms to new factories in third-world nations, globalization is subject to very different and often explosively divergent interpretations. Where some see…

October 1, 1999

Growing Apart

Read an excerpt of Growing Apart. Is globalization a major contributor to increasing wage inequality? Growing Apart: The Causes and Consequences of Global Wage Inequality says it is not. Economist…

May 2, 2005

Protecting Democracy

Over the past several decades, democracy has taken root or been reestablished in a number of countries with support from other democratic states and private groups. While the increase in the number o…