124 Results for:

September 6, 2012

Political Movements
No End in Sight in Syrian Conflict

The growing likelihood of a protracted civil war in Syria does not necessarily warrant Western military intervention, which could "cause more damage, chaos, and instability than not," says Assad biog…

July 18, 2012

Political Movements
Unsettled Times in Israel

As Israel’s governing coalition collapses, Syria unravels and a deal to halt Iran’s nuclear program remains elusive. CFR’s Elliott Abrams discusses the mood in Israel.

December 21, 2011

Why Syria’s Regime Is Doomed

The increasing resort to violence signals the likely fall of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and could trigger shifts in the regional balance of power away from Iran, says former senior U.S. Mideast adviser …

September 15, 2011

Palestinian Territories
Avoiding Collision Course in Mideast

Palestinian President Abbas’s plan to seek statehood status at the UN next week has spurred new crisis-diplomacy efforts, but political pressures on all sides could make a deal hard to come by, says …

August 23, 2011

Political Movements
New Tremors in Egypt-Israel Relations

The recent flare up of hostilities along the Israel-Egypt border signals a hardening of Egypt’s stance toward Israel and further difficulties for the sluggish Mideast peace process, says expert Dav…