2,440 Results for:

February 13, 2014

Why Franco-American Ties Matter

President Hollande’s state visit was an attempted boost for the United States’ lead EU security partner and a sign of a more activist foreign policy in the White House, says CFR’s Charles Kupchan.

December 17, 2008

United States
Bush Administration ’Drained and Lessened’ American Power in World

As President George W. Bush enters his final month in office, Leslie H. Gelb, a former high-ranking national security official who served ten years as CFR’s president, assesses the Bush administratio…

October 7, 2008

Climate Change
Climate Change Expert Worries Financial Crisis Will be ’Excuse’ to Delay Action

The UN special envoy on climate change for Papua New Guinea discusses the implications the financial crisis has for international efforts on climate change.

January 11, 2007

Haass: Bush’s Speech Marks ’Re-Americanization’ of Iraq Policy

Richard N. Haass, CFR president and a well-known Middle East expert, says what President Bush’s Iraq speech “represented more than anything else was the re-Americanization of the effort.”

December 7, 2007

United States
McCain: Americans Divided, Dissatisfied over U.S. Foreign Policy

A leading Republican candidate for president, Sen. John McCain, tells CFR.org the country needs to unite over issues ranging from Iraq to immigration.