373 Results for:

March 24, 2000

Diplomacy and International Institutions
The United States, Japan, and China

During the twentieth century, as the United States grew into a world power, Americans confronted two major powers in Asia: China and Japan. Of course, there were and are other crucial factors in Asia…


April 1, 2000

China, Nuclear Weapons, and Arms Control

Few challenges loom as large on the U.S. foreign policy agenda as the effective management of relations with the People's Republic of China (PRC). This is a perennial challenge, given China's central…


May 5, 2000

Sustainable Development and the Open-Door Policy in China

How can one best explain China's remarkable economic growth during twenty-one years and its rise from autarky to world economic power? The exercise requires chutzpah; it demands simplification; it cr…


November 17, 2005

United States
America’s Place in the World 2005

Overview A quadrennial poll on foreign policy issues finds both the public and U.S. opinion leaders taking a decidedly cautious view of America’s place in the world, reflecting concerns about the …

December 7, 2007

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Africa-China-U.S. Trilateral Dialogue

This report provides insight into a most unique, if not unprecedented, trilateral process. In mid-2005, the Brenthurst Foundation in Johannesburg, South Africa, sent a letter to Liu Guijin, then C…