52 Results for:

February 1, 2016

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Balance Owed: Federal Debt and Deficits

The U.S. government faces an unsustainable long-term debt trajectory. This Progress Report and Scorecard outlines the factors affecting federal debt and suggests options for policymakers to address the impending crisis.


January 31, 2011

Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines
CFR Symposium Backgrounder on Food and Drugs

Laurie Garrett and Yanzhong Huang provide a backgrounder for the CFR Symposium, Food and Drugs: Can Safety Be Ensured in a Time of Increased Globalization? Every aspect of the world's food, drug, …

October 14, 2011

Security Alliances
The State of the U.S.-ROK Alliance

Republic of Korea (ROK) president Lee Myung-bak arrived in Washington this week for a state visit with President Barack Obama. This U.S.-ROK summit meeting comes as the legislatures of both countries…

The State of the U.S.-ROK Alliance header

September 11, 2017

Global Governance
Innovations in Global Governance

Greater resilience to nationalist rollback is most likely in arenas of global governance where national governments are less dominant. Some of the disruptors to global governance that led to innovation also promise resilience to national policy change.

Participants gather during the World Climate Change Conference 2015 at Le Bourget, France, on December 4, 2015. (Stephane Mahe/Reuters)

April 9, 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Accelerating the Defense Department’s AI Adoption

The Department of Defense is struggling to adopt artificial intelligence technologies. Lindsey Sheppard explains the challenges the department faces and recommends strategies for moving forward.

The Pentagon logo is seen behind the podium in the Pentagon briefing room, in Arlington, Virginia, on January 8, 2020.