98 Results for:

April 5, 2013

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Lebanon, Iran, Syria, and Israel-Palestine

Significant Developments Lebanon. Tamam Salam, a Lebanese member of Parliament and former minister of culture, has emerged as the consensus candidate to become Lebanon’s next prime minister. Lebanes…

Lebanese former minister Tammam Salam attends a meeting for pro-WMarch 14 political coalition in Beirut April 4, 2013 (Azakir/Courtesy Reuters).

August 23, 2012

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Lebanon Erupts, Syria Boils, and Egypt Builds Up

Significant Middle East Developments Lebanon. Renewed clashes broke out today in Lebanon’s northern city of Tripoli between Sunnis and Alawites, despite a ceasefire brokered yesterday. Since fightin…

A Sunni Muslim gunman aims his rifle from the neighborhood of Bab al-Tebbaneh in Tripoli, northern Lebanon, during clashes between Sunni Muslims and Alawites on August 22, 2012 (Courtesy Reuters).

October 12, 2012

United States
Middle East Matters This Week: Egypt Clashes, Turkey-Syria Escalate, Israel Calls Elections

Significant Middle East Developments Egypt. Hundreds of people were injured today when supporters and opponents of Egyptian leader Mohammed Morsi clashed violently in Tahrir Square for the first tim…

A member of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporter of Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi punches an anti-Brotherhood protester at Tahrir Square on October 12, 2012 (Chany/Courtesy Reuters).

February 4, 2012

Defense and Security
America’s Drones, Transparency, and Accountability

On Monday evening, President Obama made the unprecedented decision to publicly acknowledge U.S. drone strikes against suspected terrorists and militants in Pakistan. During a Google+ “Hang Out” webch…

Shadow drone

June 14, 2012

Middle East Matters This Week: Egypt’s Parliamentary Annulment and Increased Tensions over Syria

Significant Middle East Developments Egypt. Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court today deemed unconstitutional both the law governing the country’s recent parliamentary elections and the “Political …

 A protester shouts in front of police outside the Supreme Constitutional Court, where a decision is expected on the validity of the law passed by the Islamist-led parliament that sought to bar Ahmed Shafik in Cairo June 14, 2012 (Suhaib Salem/Courtesy Reuters).