950 Results for:

July 31, 2012

Silver Linings in China’s Slowdown

China’s global investment boom is slowing, which could affect its trading partners. But its economy does not have to be doomed to slow growth, says expert Patrick Chovanec.

July 21, 2015

China’s Market Plunge: Correction or Crisis?

The odds of an economic hard landing for China remain low, but continuing stock volatility could set back critical market reforms, says expert Stephen Roach.

January 27, 2011

China’s Human Rights Puzzle

Despite urging from President Obama and rising discontent at home, President Hu is only nodding to human rights, says CFR’s Jerome A. Cohen, but if China’s domestic pressure becomes strong enough,…

June 22, 2010

China’s Calculated Move on Yuan

By ending the yuan’s peg to the U.S. dollar, China will deflect pressure over its currency policy at the upcoming G20 meeting. But tensions will persist over the pace of reform, says CFR’s Steven Dun…

February 15, 2012

United States
How to Mend U.S.-China Ties

As Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping visits the United States, CFR’s Elizabeth C. Economy says Washington must address the trust deficit with Beijing as the top policy priority.