31 Results for:

April 7, 2020

U.S. Coronavirus Response: Who’s In Charge of What?

Dozens of federal agencies, including the CDC and FEMA, are battling COVID-19 in the United States.

A National Guard service member wears a mask and gloves and holds a sign reading that the Department of Health will call patients within three days with their test results.

March 10, 2022

Latin America
Mexico's Democracy Is Crumbling Under AMLO

Halfway through his term, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is moving from bending democratic norms and laws to breaking them—a slide that the U.S. cannot afford to ignore.

Mexican president looks up and to the left

December 16, 2020

America can’t stay in Afghanistan forever, but it matters how we leave

(CNN)As President Trump seeks to draw down US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, some have argued the decision is about bringing an end to America's endless wars. But the real issue is how to create e…

June 19, 2019

Hong Kong
What Does the Pause of Hong Kong’s Extradition Bill Mean?

The bill’s future remains uncertain, but no amendments can change the ugly reality of shipping anyone off to Beijing’s incommunicado torture chambers, its denial of competent legal defenders, and its…

Dozens of people wear black shirts during a protest against Hong Kong's extradition bill.

September 15, 2020

Macron Wants to Be a Middle Eastern Superpower

The French president is making a bid to shape the region—but does his reach exceed his grasp?