Israel and the United States: The Manufactured Crisis
from Pressure Points and Middle East Program

Israel and the United States: The Manufactured Crisis

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United States

Diplomacy and International Institutions

The current crisis in relations between the United States and Israel is, in my view, the result of deliberate decisions in Washington to have such a crisis.

Why? In an article in The Weekly Standard I explained my thinking.

Here’s the opening paragraph:

The crisis between the United States and Israel has been manufactured by the Obama administration. Building a crisis up or down is well within the administration’s power, and it has chosen to build it up. Why? Three reasons: to damage and defeat Netanyahu (whom Obama has always disliked simply because he is on the right while Obama is on the left) in his election campaign, to prevent Israel from affecting the Iran policy debate in the United States, and worst of all to diminish Israel’s popularity in the United States and especially among Democrats.

The entire article is found here.

More on:


United States

Diplomacy and International Institutions