20 Results for:

June 25, 2012

What It Will Take to Secure Afghanistan

Afghanistan is approaching a major inflection point in its long and turbulent history. In 2014 most of the foreign military forces are due to pull out. With them will go the bulk of foreign financing…

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August 9, 2012

Zimbabwe: An Opportunity for Closer U.S.-South Africa Relations

As Zimbabwe moves closer to elections, the prospect for political violence, even civil war, grows. President Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and Prime Minist…

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July 29, 2013

Arms Industries and Trade
A Strategy to Reduce Gun Trafficking and Violence in the Americas

The flow of high-powered weaponry from the United States to Latin America and the Caribbean exacerbates soaring rates of gun-related violence in the region and undermines U.S. influence in the Wester…

A Strategy to Reduce Gun Trafficking and Violence in the Americas header

October 23, 2013

Health Policy and Initiatives
Making the New Revolutions in Biology Safe

The foreign policy community has largely ignored the unfolding revolution in biology, leaving its supervision to traditional scientific bodies, and, in rare cases, law enforcement agencies. This is a…

Making the New Revolutions in Biology Safe header

February 19, 2014

Countering Terrorism: An Institution-Building Approach for Yemen

Benn Steil and Dinah Walker argue that the ECB's bank stress tests will roil rather than calm markets if recapitalization funds are not set aside in advance, as they were in the case of the highly successful U.S. tests in 2009.

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