688 Results for:

April 24, 2020

India: Fighting Coronavirus in an Informal Economy

India has so far prevented a major outbreak of the coronavirus, but the trade-off in doing so has meant hardship for those in the vast informal economy.

April 3, 2019

The Controversy Over U.S. Strikes in Somalia

The United States has been helping Somalia fight al-Shabab militants for more than a decade, but rights groups say increasing drone strikes are putting civilians at risk.

Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for a car bomb attack near the presidential palace in Mogadishu.

October 4, 2019

Does the New U.S.-Japan Trade Deal Matter?

The United States and Japan have agreed to a trade deal, but critics say the deal isn’t as good as what it replaced.

November 15, 2018

APEC 2018 Is Missing a Major Asian Economy

One of Asia’s most important annual economic gatherings still does not include India, a flaw that undermines efforts to expand trade and innovation throughout the region.

India call center

January 15, 2020

Did Soleimani Pose an Imminent Threat?

The Trump administration is making a mistake in providing vague and shifting legal rationales for the killing of an Iranian general.