94 Results for:

October 2, 2012

Rule of Law
A Global Trust for Rule of Law

The rule of law is critical for people to have a meaningful opportunity to thrive. Still, for billions of people around the world today, the rule of law exists on paper but not in practice. Even thou…

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April 9, 2015

Why the United States Should Work With India to Stabilize Afghanistan

The international military presence in Afghanistan has shrunk dramatically, and even with a slower pace of troop withdrawal, the country's security situation has already worsened. Iraq's chaos provid…


November 17, 2014

Islamic State
Defeating ISIS

Max Boot details a comprehensive strategy to defeat ISIS by committing to the fight on multiple fronts: intensify air strikes, utilize U.S. personnel and capabilities, encourage local and regional partners, and prepare for nation-building.

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June 22, 2011

Conflict Prevention
Enhancing U.S. Crisis Preparedness

Introduction The Obama administration was caught flatfooted by the recent Arab Spring uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa. Not only did the intelligence community fail to warn senior off…

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February 3, 2011

Monetary Policy
Managing the World's Dollar Dependency

Introduction The global financial crisis has exposed a weakness in the international monetary (non-)system. Desired levels of currency reserves in emerging markets have jumped over the past decade…

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