143 Results for:

July 29, 2014

Fighting for Civil Society’s Space

A growing number of authoritarian states are banning civil society activities, raising the prospect of spreading instability that should arouse action in Washington, says CFR’s Mark Lagon.

August 5, 2015

Rethinking Asia’s Postwar Settlement

The seventieth anniversary of the end of World War II is being marked in Northeast Asia by efforts to refresh—and revise—understandings of the brutal twentieth century war that laid the foundations o…

January 19, 2010

Ukraine’s Orange Revolution Referendum

The results of Ukraine’s presidential election, which will go to a runoff on February 7, show unhappiness with Viktor Yushchenko’s government, but are also a mark of Ukraine’s independence.

August 22, 2017

Trump’s Path to Indefinite Afghan War

President Trump’s much-anticipated Afghan policy rightly avoids troop withdrawal timelines but offers little prospect for progress against the durable Taliban.

Carlos Barria/Reuters

November 3, 2017

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Taking Stock of the Treaty on Open Skies

A little-known treaty provides transparency for confirming arms control agreements and serves as an important measure of the health of the U.S.-Russia relationship.