180 Results for:

March 15, 2018

Are Cold War Spy-Craft Norms Fading?

The poisoning of former double agent Sergei V. Skripal in the UK indicates that Russia may have abandoned some unspoken rules of espionage. CIA veteran Jack Devine examines the history and current state of spy-craft.

UK Skripal Poisoning Crime Scene

February 16, 2018

North Korea
Avoiding War With North Korea

The U.S. military is prepared for a number of contingencies with regard to North Korea, but the best path forward is diplomacy aimed at denuclearization.


October 13, 2017

Iran Nuclear Agreement
Will Decertification Spike the Iran Nuclear Accord?

President Trump’s denunciation of the Iran nuclear deal has put the agreement on shaky footing, even if Congress declines to reinstate sanctions.

President Trumps speaks about the Iran nuclear agreement at the White House.

April 7, 2017

Will Syria Yield to the Chemical Weapons Ban?

Syria’s breach of its treaty obligations has led to broad international support for U.S. military action, says CFR’s Lori Esposito Murray.

March 29, 2017

United States
Hard Power’s Essential Soft Side

President Trump’s proposal to build up the military while slashing funds for diplomacy and foreign assistance misses how “soft power” can advance the national interest, says Joseph S. Nye, who coined…