128 Results for:

March 12, 2003

Iraq: The Day After

Written before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, this report accurately predicted that winning the peace in Iraq would be a far greater challenge than winning the war. The report says that this challenge fa…

September 10, 2005

Conflict Prevention
In the Wake of War

This Council-sponsored, independent Task Force points out that nation-building is not just a humanitarian concern, but a critical national security priority that should be on par with war-fighting an…

June 28, 1999

Palestinian Territories
Strengthening Palestinian Public Institutions

The Palestinian Authority (PA) must improve its ability to govern democratically and effectively—and do so urgently—or risk losing the support of its people, according to this independent Task Force …

February 1, 1999

Europe and Eurasia
The Future of Transatlantic Relations

Notable opportunities exist for the U.S.-European relationship to help mold the twenty-first century’s international system. Despite the absence of the Soviet threat, the two sides of the Atlantic co…

January 24, 1995

Managing the Taiwan Issue

One of the highest national security priorities of the United States must be to help reduce tensions over the Taiwan issue. Domestic political trends in the People's Republic of China and Taiwan as w…

January 1, 1996

Making Intelligence Smarter

The need for intelligence, and for a capability within the U.S. government to collect, produce, and disseminate it, remains critical. The end of the Cold War will not usher in an age of peace and sec…