2,248 Results for:

July 30, 2008

United States
Redefining the War on Terror

The Bush administration’s global war on terror has become an unchallenged doctrine in American politics. Iraq expert and Boston University history professor Andrew J. Bacevich says the next U.S. pres…

May 1, 2009

Wars and Conflict
Obama Broadening Afghanistan War Into ’War of Choice’ and Not ’Necessity’

CFR President Richard N. Haass, whose latest book explores President George W. Bush’s "war of choice" in Iraq, says he is concerned that President Obama may be turning the Afghanistan war into a "war…

February 16, 2018

North Korea
Avoiding War With North Korea

The U.S. military is prepared for a number of contingencies with regard to North Korea, but the best path forward is diplomacy aimed at denuclearization.


February 3, 2017

Why Syria’s War Grinds On

As diplomatic efforts to broker a settlement to the civil war have so far come up short and the Islamic State retains a foothold in the east, a segmented Syria will likely experience reduced but pers…

October 21, 2015

The Perils of a New Cold War

Mistrust between Western powers and Russia rivals the worst days of the Cold War, raising the dangerous prospect of escalating tensions between the two sides, says expert Dimitri Simes.