88 Results for:

February 24, 2014

Europe and Eurasia
Restoring Financial Stability in the Eurozone: Lessons From the U.S. Financial Crisis

The European Stability Mechanism's (ESM) bank recapitalization instrument was designed to break the vicious circle tying financially weak eurozone governments to financially weak banks. It cannot, ho…

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July 11, 2016

Closing the Gender Gap in Development Financing

A substantial body of evidence confirms that investment in women and girls yields high returns for poverty eradication, economic growth, and sustainable development. However, international and nation…

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March 19, 2014

Infrastructure Finance in America—How We Get Smarter

To advise state and local government on how best to use private investment and build more critical infrastructure in a cost-effective way, Heidi Crebo-Rediker recommends the federal government create a new advisory unit within the Treasury Department called "Infrastructure USA."

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April 9, 2012

Beyond the Volcker Rule: A Better Approach to Financial Reform

The Issue An approach to bank regulatory reform that restricts the scope and incentives for bank balance-sheet expansion funded by short-term debt is essential to preventing another major financia…

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April 9, 2015

Why the United States Should Work With India to Stabilize Afghanistan

The international military presence in Afghanistan has shrunk dramatically, and even with a slower pace of troop withdrawal, the country's security situation has already worsened. Iraq's chaos provid…
