204 Results for:

December 1, 2017

How the Saudi Blockade Threatens Famine in Yemen

Averting famine will require Saudi Arabia to permit the resumption of commercial shipping of food and fuel to the besieged country.

Shipping to the Red Sea port of Hodeidah has been largely cut off.

April 27, 2011

United States
New Spotlight on Guantanamo’s Flaws

Classified military documents leaked by Wikileaks suggest the Obama administration’s changes to Guantanamo policy can’t improve a system that was flawed from the beginning, says international law e…

March 27, 2006

United States
Sweig: Reversing Anti-American Sentiment Requires New U.S. Engagement on Global Problems

Julia Sweig, Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow for Latin American Studies, is author of a new book on what she calls "the Anti-American Century." She says there are many ways the United Stat…

June 13, 2017

Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico’s Statehood Debate

The recent vote may not advance Puerto Rican statehood, but it may focus attention on its heavy debts and exposure to upcoming U.S. health-care and budget measures.

Puerto Rico anti-austerity protestors

March 14, 2008

Elections and Voting
Serwer: Iraqis Beginning to Show Signs of Political Compromise

Daniel Serwer, an Iraq expert at the U.S. Institute of Peace, sees encouraging signs of political compromise among Iraqi politicians.