75 Results for:

July 29, 2005

More trade with Central America, less with China?

Is that the deal that brought wavering Republicans from textile states on board?  We will see. But the House speaker, J. Dennis Hastert, told him they needed his vote anyway. If he switched from "nay…

January 2, 2007

Interesting factoid (at least to me)

Dennis Berman reports (in his January 2 c1 Wall Street Journal column) that, according to Standards and Poors, "companies bought back $327 billion of their own shares, more money than they spent inve…

March 24, 2010

Defense and Security
Welcome Move on Mexico's Drug Wars

On their high octane visit to Mexico City yesterday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and senior administration officials formally announced changes in U.S.-Mexico security cooperation that had bee…


May 19, 2010

Energy and Climate Policy
What the PA-12 Special Election Says About Cap and Trade

The special election to replace the late Rep. John Murtha (D) was, as Politico notes, the only House race last night that really matterered to both parties. Democrat Mark Critz decisively beat Republ…

November 1, 2010

United States
Peace Process?

I have it on good authority, which in Washington means that I read it in Laura Rozen’s foreign policy blog at Politico and confirmed it through various conversations with colleagues who had coffee …

Peace Process?