70 Results for:

October 8, 2018

Women and Women's Rights
Iceland’s Lessons for the #MeToo Era

What can the #MeToo movement learn from Iceland? The history of successful women’s protests show that mass mobilization is key.

Protesters march on Pennsylvania Avenue during the Women's March in Washington, DC, United States. January 21, 2017.

April 30, 2021

Cyber Week in Review: April 30, 2021

India orders suppression of critical social media posts amid COVID-19 outbreak; Senate Intelligence Committee crafting cyber breach notification law; Japanese government to impose stricter rules on e…

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Senator Mark Warner, D-VA, speaks during a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearing.

October 12, 2014

Obama Should Change his Counter-ISIS Strategy

Last month, I wrote about how President Obama’s announced end state to “degrade, and ultimately destroy ISIL” would not be achieved, just as previous promises by Bush and Obama administration officia…

July 1, 2016

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016 Friday Foreign Policy Roundup: Happy Fourth of July

Monday is the Fourth of July. It’s the nation’s 240th birthday. Campaign 2016 has clearly enflamed divisions here at home. So here’s to hoping that the next few days provide an occasion to remember w…

June 25, 2013

Edward Snowden and Presidential Power

This morning on CBS News, Rep. Paul Ryan discussed the Obama administration’s efforts to compel Russia to extradite Edward Snowden, former contract employee for the National Security Agency (NSA), to…

Snowden on news monitor in China