2,774 Results for:

April 11, 2013

North Korea
A New Containment Policy for Iran, North Korea

Rather than seeking regime overthrow in North Korea and Iran, Washington should pursue an updated version of Soviet-era containment policy, says expert Robert Litwak.

November 10, 2009

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Broader U.S. Policy Needed on Iran

CFR’s Iran expert Ray Takeyh says Washington’s Iran policy needs to frame the nuclear development question within the context of a broader range of diplomatic issues, and that Iran’s domestic turmoil…

May 28, 2014

United States
Obama’s Unclear Foreign Policy Path

President Obama’s foreign policy speech, following his announced drawdown of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, lacked a clear strategic rationale, says CFR President Richard N. Haass.

January 6, 2006

International Law
U.S. Supreme Court and Foreign Policy

The U.S. Supreme Court will have two new faces when it next convenes. This shake-up occurs at a time when the Court’s decisions could have a substantial impact on issues of foreign policy and nationa…

March 29, 2013

United States
Seeking Daylight on U.S. Drone Policy

What is the Obama administration’s legal justification for targeted killings? CFR national security expert John Bellinger explores this question as well as others with significant implications for U…