28 Results for:

February 6, 2018

The Mixed Record of Sports Diplomacy

While sports may temporarily transcend divisions in society, events like the Olympics rarely serve to advance countries’ diplomatic aims.

East Germany was a perennial powerhouse at winter games, including the 1988 Calgary games where it won gold and bronze in the women’s 1000 meters Speedskating event.

December 28, 2011

Elections and Voting
Potential ’Political Chaos’ in Iraq

As the last U.S. troops withdrew from Iraq this month, an emerging political battle among the country’s top leaders has raised concerns over its stability. It underscores the difficult road ahead for…

March 11, 2011

United States
Radicalization and U.S. Muslims

The Muslim community has played an integral role in U.S. counterterrorism efforts, and congressional hearings on radicalization of Muslims risk polarizing a considerable asset for law enforcement, sa…

June 25, 2002

World Refugees: Arthur Helton

Today, nearly 20 million refugees and a further 25 million internally displaced persons are suffering untold miseries. "Refugees are the flesh-and-blood personification of the chaos and insecurities …

November 14, 2015

Europe and Eurasia
Countering Extremism After the Paris Attacks

The Islamic State’s attack on Paris demonstrate that both Europe and the United States need to commit to winning the ideological war against extremism with renewed vigor, says CFR’s Farah Pandith.