99 Results for:

December 22, 2015

The World Economy in 2016: Watch China

The main uncertainty in the global economy next year will be China, which could become the source of the next economic shock, writes CFR’s Sebastian Mallaby.

February 27, 2012

Economic Crises
No Great Firewall Will Save Europe

Talk among major economies is intensifying over a "financial firewall" to contain the eurozone crisis. But CFR’s Steven Dunaway says the emphasis should be on pressing debt-saddled states to make ref…

November 6, 2012

United States
Confronting the Fiscal Cliff

Policymakers must act swiftly post-election to approve a viable fiscal plan or trigger market volatility and severe damage to the U.S. economy, writes CFR’s Robert Kahn.

July 20, 2011

Making Sense of the Afghan Peace Dividend

Scaling back the U.S. commitment in Afghanistan will yield a peace dividend, but only when Social Security and Medicare spending are controlled will the U.S. be able to refocus on domestic priorities…

December 18, 2017

United States
Trump Security Strategy a Study in Contrasts

The president’s first national security strategy eloquently sums up the U.S. role in the world and what should be done to defend it, but much of the document is at odds with what the president himsel…

Trump introduces his administration's first national security strategy.