1,836 Results for:

June 12, 2019

United States
Congressional Oversight: A Conversation with Jim Jordan

Representative Jim Jordan discusses the political challenges facing Congress and his role as ranking member on the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

Play Congressional Oversight: A Conversation with Jim Jordan

September 3, 2019

United States
Distinguished Voices Series with Jim Mattis

General Mattis discusses his lessons learned in leadership over the course of his military and government career.

Play Jim Mattis

October 15, 2015

United States
Jim Webb on Foreign Policy

Jim Webb discusses U.S. foreign policy.

Play IMG_5415_EC.jpg

September 12, 2012

United States
A Conversation with Jim McNerney

Boeing chairman, president, and chief executive officer Jim McNerney discusses the involvement of the business community in foreign policy; U.S. global competitiveness and the challenge of balancing …


June 13, 2011

Defense and Security
A Conversation with Senator Jim Webb

Senator Jim Webb (D-VA), chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs, discusses issues facing the United States and East Asian countries, drawing on observations from his re…
