Middle East Matters: Voices From the Region
from Middle East Matters and Middle East Program

Middle East Matters: Voices From the Region

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Middle East and North Africa

“How long can this situation continue? I mean in Bosnia, now we have Ban Ki-moon [the UN secretary general] apologising 20 years after. Who will apologise for Syria in 20 years’ time? How can we stay idle?” – Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu in an Istanbul interview


“The Lebanese people won’t accept, after today, the continuation of the government of assassination.” – Lebanese former prime iminister Fouad Siniora said during a funeral oration Sunday


“Netanyahu felt that the chance that he may lose the reigns of government are greater than ever…This is a move that effectively makes the Likud Lieberman’s party.”  –  Labor party leader Shelly Yachimovich on Thursday in response to the news of Likud’s merger with Yisrael Beiteinu


“Give it a rest, Obama…We want to get some sleep.” – a resident of Benghazi in a Twitter post Saturday in response to loud low-flying drones


“Why are you staying divided? There are no peace negotiations, and there is no clear strategy of resistance and liberation. Why shouldn’t brothers sit together and reconcile? Surely you realize that your division is the source of greater harm to your cause and the cause of all Arabs.” – Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani said during a speech at Gaza’s Islamic University on Tuesday


“There is no such thing as who is better (as a candidate)…If my cousin is running, I give it (the vote) to my cousin.” – Shafiq Deis, a 70-year-old carpenter in the town of Beit Sahour south of Jerusalem


“It’s good for the public to know that the [Egyptian] current leadership is acting against Hamas in a very tough way …I can tell you that Egypt’s actions against Hamas are much harsher than it was under the previous regime.” – Israeli vice premier Silvan Shalom on Thursday


“Being king, to me, is not a benefit that I seek, it is a responsibility…Governing was never for us about holding a monopoly over authority, nor about power and its tools, but about supporting state institutions run by Jordanians from all segments of society.” – Jordan’s king Abdullah on Tuesday


“It is clear today that the struggle is over Israel’s future image and values. The vote is between an extreme and isolated country and a Zionist and sane country. I was born into the Herut movement and I am aware of the values the Likud was supposed to represent but neglected.” – Former Kadima chairwoman Tzipi Livni on Thursday in response to the news of Likud’s merger with Yisrael Beiteinu


“It’s a moment of truth…We’re determined to change the status quo.” – Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erakat said in an interview Wednesday about the UN statehood bid

More on:


Palestinian Territories

Political Movements


Middle East and North Africa